Page 44 - YB1991
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Commencement 1991 he class of 1991 gradu- professors received Emeritus ated May 18, 1991. It awards. William S. Keigler, the T was a day that won't be WMC Chairman of the Board of forgotten by the graduating sen- Trustees, presented the presti- iors or the crowd that was so gious Argonaut Award to the large the programs ran out by graduate with the highest grade 1:45 point average. The recipient, A large graduating class com Laura Balakir, graduated with a pared to years past, the 1991 4.0. Four honorary degrees were seniors received a long but en- conferred upon l. King Jordan, joyable commencement. The Clarisse B. MechaniC, Allen College Choir, which included a QUille, and Erich H. Willen. Each number of seniors, sang From a was certainly deserving of his/ Distance which helped to bond her honor and spoke briefly to the class, as they knew they the graduates would soon go their separate Then it was on to the dtplo- ways. Greetings from Wendy mas! Reactions were tears, smiles Ruderman and her milk crate, and shouts of accomplishment. A John Huston (parent), and Dr few even kissed their diplomas. David Herlocker were humorous They had done it! yet held important messages to Graduation is a bittersweet live, love, and learn with per- time of life. It signifies a big sistence, spirit and thoughtful change in most peoples' lives. It ness. is the end of four years of work Robert P. Canzanese of the and fun. Webster defines com- English Department of Cherry mencement as "the beginning" Hill High School, NJ received the or "the start". On that day, the Distinguished High School new alumni began their next Teacher Award. Three retiring stage of life. 40 Student Life
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