Page 35 - YB1991
P. 35
The pay phone in Decker Center gets "lot of use! Martin Gersher uses it to Phone HOlDe ollege. students cannot Many students simply work to live without the use of a support their phone bill. Every. C telephone. Some stu- one takes a deep breath on thaI dents can', even imagine living terrible day when the phone bill without a phone in his or her arrives before they tear open the room! The first few days of school envelope. Splitting the bill with are pure agony to both callers a roommate is also a problem, and receivers since everyone is especially if the roommate lives forced to use the dreaded hall far away and uses the phone phone. Phones can be found in quite frequently. C&P Tele. every building on the Western phone must love the students Maryland campus and they who receive bills for hundreds of are usually in use. dollars. It's also hard to track Our campus even has a job for down that guy who used your those phone-lovers who want to phone one lonely night to call his make a little extra money talking girlfriend in California, on the phone. The Phone Center Are phones worth the trouble? calls alumni and parents to raise Of course they are. Who could funds for the school. Students live without their phone on those working at the center get to use nights when you're feeling ex- the phones all evening and are tremely homesick? How about at rewarded with a personal call to 11:00 pm when you and your anywhere in the U.S. This in it friends really need a pizza? A self is reason enough to work at college dorm is not complete un- the Phone Center. til the phone is installed! On the Phone .... 31
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