Page 69 - YB1978
P. 69
Circle K Sponsored by Kiwanis Inter- national, Circle K is a college stu- dents' service organization. This year, Circle K, headed by Mike Haberstlck, sponsored the annual dance marathon to benefit the Maryland Association for Re- tarded Citizens. Members also helped with Meals on Wheels and served the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast. The local club partici- pated in the statewide con- vention at Towson and sold cokes at the May Carnival YCA The Youth College Arts pro- gram, sponsored by the Art De- partment, was designed to pro- vide local youngsters with a chance to participate in applied art. On a series of Saturday morn- ings in both the fall and spring semesters, Western Maryland stu- dents helped the participants to experience art in a variety of media. Shonie Hamilton, Patrick Clarke, Wendy Gross, Aislill Weinfeld, Rexy Hamilton, Beth Braden 67
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