Page 96 - YB1965
P. 96
"Off on another mysteriOlls trip." EUGENIE CUSHING KNAPP SOCIOLOGY Newman Club 1,2,3,4; SOS 4; Young Democrats 4. "Genie" ... After three years they finally let her in the dorm. . Trips in the "Estate Wagon" ... Has been seen at the Homestead! ... Double interest in Sociology. Eats and eats to no avail ... I am on a diet-to gain weight ... Laughing fits in the library ... Next week, I've got to get organized. . Study? But all education isn't in books . Quiet exterior deceptive. BRUCE ROLAND KNAUFF "Hot dog, more ran mail!" ENGLISH Pi Alpha Alpha (Social chairman 2, President 4); If'C 3,4; FAe; Intramural Sports 2,3,4; ALOHA; CONTRAST 1,2; Junior Follies. "NofT" .. Quiet Black and White. "OK, let's have a little order here" ... Absent-mindedness personified. "Just look at your side of the room, Stevens!" . Four years with same roomie ... True to the Red and Grey. "Smock" ... Hung in there, from Beowulf to Mencken . Well, Md, U. has a Little Bit to offer, anyhow. LESTER JOHNSTON KNEPP ENGLISH Della Pi Alpha (Recording secretary 3); Junior Follies; Ire (Vice-president 4); Omicron Delta Kappa (Vice-presi- dent 4); GOLD BUG (Feature editor); Intramural Sports 2,3,4; Argonauts. Benevolent Bo ... "The world is my ashtray" , , . Loved bv all at J\'lcDaniel House . One of the original five pubes . '.. Erotic Preacher poet. Has been known to drink a beer. , , World's best waiter .. , "Sometimes T feel like "Maybe r can write a column about the Dean.' a motherless child" ... "Little lamb, who made thee" , Bo's Arrows .. , Loves to sleep. Likes "Legs." 92
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