Page 86 - YB1963
P. 86
"Fitreen milll,des before ///IJ-ilope c{1I1fi"is/,tilisietler.ยป CHRISTINE ANNE .MACDONALD English - Education Phi Alpha Mu 2, 3, 4; ALOHA; 111/rtllllllrcd Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; PO/Ii Pam Girls 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Follies. "Chrissie" ... One of the Magnificent Seven .. Sneezy of the Seven Dwarfs Caught in coke rumble . Freshman year- Flash in t~lecan . "Love those Cr,eek gods" . Smiley. '"I really like this place!" . "Tell him I'm in the shower" "50 I'm a bass" .. Four years with the same roommate Charter Mafia member. WI LUMvl ROLAND .MACDONALD Sociology - Pre-Law Alpl1{/. Camillo Tau 2, 3, 4 (Sergeant-ot-Arms 4); Ju(~iCial BoardS; Honor Court 3, 4 (C1J(limwIJ. 4); Student Leode'l"slllp Coniereoce 4; Dorm Council (Secretary 2); Football: Team: 1, 2, 3 4; l unior Follies. "Mac" John Marshall of WMC . Roomed with the friendli- est guy in the dorm. . "To rake the opposite point of view" .. "Lump-lung" .. From Olive to Ralph to Big Jim . Sage of Black-dot ball Friend of B.S. Stare Decisis. BARBARA JOAN McCATHARN Pre-Medical lola CO./llIIW Chi 2,3,4 (C/wp/ai1l 2, Suns/line C/wirllwn 3, Presi- den! 4); ISC 4; Be/a Beta Be/a 3, 4; SIt/den/ Leaders/lip Coniev- ence 4; MSM 1, 2; Wes/e1jallettes 3, 4; [nnior follies "Barb" Lists to the left-hand side. . Technically pre-med, actually pre-marriage Vie can't alford phone calls, but Cung-ho Ioto .. "That's nice" .. Check the card catalog '. Saves halves, dimes and Jndtnn head nickels. . "Labs can be Fun" . "Dean" .. Second degree sometime after February, 1963. 80
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