Page 81 - YB1963
P. 81
GEOHGE ALLEN JONES English - Education Gamma Beta Cbt. 2, 3, 4 (Secrelar1j 3, Yearbook Editor 3); GOLD BUG 1, 2, 3, 4 (Malwging Editor 3, 4); CON'mAsT 1, 2 (Business Manager 2); Canterbury Club 1, 2, 3 (Treasurer 2); French Club 1,2; SEA 4; lunior Follies (Writer); FAC. "Allen" " "Bugs," the Editor Once bought books, , , Saw the Goddess of the Fog born Midnight serenade Letter- man Affected accent" Ft Lauderdale m jumoi year .. , Bridge at any time .. "You lost all the dialogue to scene I!?!"' , . Once picked Mrs. 1'5 flowers the hard way, Always cheerful in the morning! RlCT-IARD DOUGLAS JONES Physical Education - English Education Della Pi AlpJw 2, .'3, 4; Choir 2; Honor Cuard. 1, 2; Football. Team 4; Track Tecni 3; JY. Basketliali 1; Intramural Sports 2, 3, 4; Frenclc Club L "Rick" ., Spends more time with a nurse than the average type guy" Little preacher with big laugh ... "I'm a little-" . , , "Who's got the winner" .. web's bnokfleld bandit . "r think I got the shaft again" , , , Handles a mean ping pong paddle, "0 Thweetie'". Once wore diapers in alumni hall. NANCY LEE KELLEY English - Education Sigma, Sigma. Tau 2, 3, 4; ALOHA; SCA 1,2,3,4; UCCF 1, 2, 3, 4 (Clwplain 3, Regional. vtce-Preetdcnt 3, 4); Pam. POll! Girls 3, 4; French cua. 1, 2; SEA 3, 4; SOS 3, 4; Junior Follies, "Kelley" , McDaniel's second mother .. , Teacher-to-be . Plays bridge M religious conferences ., Learned to knit during her junior year . . Sleeps through breakfast ., ''I've got to get organized" . , . "Anybody got an aspirin?" .. Loves French? . Once helped steal 99 skunks, , . Cheerleader (?) her freshman year ., Infectious giggle Very dramatic. [ust. (I milll/te, Rau .. three morc ''f'oegot troubles!" poges end we'll celebrate!" "Belie1>e it or not, iI'~'10:15," ;;:-""--'1.
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