Page 90 - YB1963
P. 90
DENNIS OLIVEH MYEHS Chemistry Rifle Team 1; French Club 1, 2. "Denny" .. "What, me study?". "Get serious!" . Has heen seen in chemistry lab ... Has the loudest car on campus Gets Bachelor's and loses bachelorhood in J Line Seldom seen on campus. WILLIAM CLIFTON ~dYEHS Economics Alpha Galllllw Tcu. 2,3,4 (Party Cluunnaw 3, Housemother 4); Football Team 1; Baseball Team (Manager 3);. Rifle Team (Mallager 4); 1I1tmllll1ral Sports 2, 3, 4; Junior Follies. "Bill" . Number one member of Bachelor penthouse ... A recently converted disciple of Price who thrives on cutting up even the closest of friends, .. Is quite studious, especially from 8:30 to 8:35 each evening .. Frequents the DTT (when he finds time) Member of FAC Club .. , Prize student of German language Known as "Pellet" or "Huggy Bear." MAIW LEE NUTTLE Home Economics - Education Phi Alpfw fl'll~ 2, 3, 4 (Sociol CfUlirman 3); Argonauts 3, 4; Bela Beta. Beta 4; ALOHA (T!f}Jillg Editor); GOLD Bee 1, 2, 3; MSM 1, 2,3; lnlrallwral Sporls 1, 2; French Club 1, 2; Home Economics Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Secretary 2, Treasurer 4); SEA 1, 3, 4 (Vice- President 4); [unior Follies. "Mary Lee" .. Miss Nittle Hay fever prone, Procrastina- tion Club Handy WIth a needle From the swamps of Maryland ... SIX weeks III the' House" Grill workers' union ... "What did you do that for?". . Roomed with Mama Scott Breakfast at Colonial's . Officer's Club. Last of the Daisy Chain, "l-/aueC(II',wi/l.lrauel!" "13lll, l don't ioant to leau€ the pur/y!" "Sewwhal?"
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