Page 91 - YB1963
P. 91
ALEXANDEH GEOHGE OHEn Biology - Education Alpha. Camilla TaH 2, 3, 4; Be/a Bela Bela 2, 3, 4; Honor Gllard 2,3; Color Gill/I'd 2; Track Team. 2; Basketball Team 2, 3; Foo/- ball Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Lettermen's Club 4 (Sergeanl-fII-Arms 4); Intmmurai Sports 1, 2,3,4; French. Club 1, 2. "Alex" . Speedy halfback ... Dead eye with an ~vl-1 .. Leaves school every week-end Member of the Fabulous "5" .. Tough campus cop ... Beat Lycoming in '61 ... Famous for senior year operation. Die hard \Vashington bn ... Booms with a chipmunk. HELEN FLOHENCE OFFUTT English - Education Phi Alpha 1\'11/ 2, 3, 4; GOLDBoc 2, 3, 4; SEA 4; [unior Follies. "Helen" .. AUllti.eHelen and Uncle J?ave .. Baby-eyed, baby- bound.. Crossing off the days until May 25th.. Her own special tapping Neatness personified ... .Mirror-gazer ... Happy Whistler Eat daily, exercise nightly . Peaches and cream complexion 169. (!. THO;"IAS EDWAHD O'MALLEY SOCiology Delta Pi Alplw 2, :3, 4 (Social CfwirnulH 3, Presidellt 4); IFC 3, 4 (Treasurer 3); Student L(j(ldership Conference 4; Basketball. Team 1, 2, 3, 4 (Co-Captain 4); Baseball Team 1; Track Teani 2,3,4 (Co-Captate 4); LeiteI'll/en's Club (SCA Renreeentance 4); Intralllural Sports 2; [unior Follies. "0" .. One night studier .. Week-end inhabitant in the club- room ... Sings with boys in blue ... Got no romantic ideas from senior year roomies Bcundball and thin clad record setter. Possible ilrmy career man. "Sprite" man. 85
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