Page 89 - YB1963
P. 89
CEHALD HAJ'vIMOND MILum Eoonomlcs - I\'Iathematics Camilla Beta Chi 2, 3, 4 (Sports Chairman 2, Treasurer 3, 4); fFC 3; ALOHA; BSU I; Tennis Teani 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain 4); Soccer Team 3, 4; Tnl-rallJl/rat Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; Lenermen'e Club 4; Bridge Ctnb 1, 2; YOllng Repllblic(/1l5' 3, 4; [unior follies; FAC. "Bones". "Pluke" . "The Kid". . "Coach" .. Skinniest guy on campus ... Played tennis for Frank Loves to study Econ . . . . Loved MG-shameit was foreign model. . Lived with ~~~.if~~~~~:~~,aI~~JI,~:~~h~~l:~~ll~rl~~;;'~i.ghg;~:~1~clltt'e;I~I~~~vol~lk~f BAHBAHA ADA .MOON English - Education Delta Sigma Kapp(l 2,3, 4 i Buslness Moroger 2); Argo/Jallls 3, 4; SCA 1; Choir 1,2,3,4 (Secretal"!f 3, vice-Preetdent 4); ALOHA; VCeF 1; SEA 1, 3, 4; luntor Follies. "Moonie" ... Mayhem ... "Hey, 1 hit a C3 today". Dr. Mako- sky's protege .. "Is the Moon in eclipse today?" ... Education, rnh, RAH!" .. Mattress snatcher ... The secret in Dr. McCiB's bookbag Cung-ho Delt Expert et cutting a size 12 to a size 3 .. Eighty pounds and forty push-ups .. "I've quit smok- II1g" ... "I'm really 16 and a child genius." BOYD DOUGLAS MYERS Pre-Medical Alpha Canunc T(1t/. 2, 3, 4; Bela He/{/. Beta 1, 2, 3, 4; ALOHA; French Clllb 1, 2; [unior Follies. "Muffin" .. The Crear Olgy Planner Dedicated student of the human anatomy "YOLI \V1~h!". Split personality=Dr. Kildare or Ben Casey. . Demented and exotic dancer . Troubles with "Nancy" Obsession for peanut butter Member of Booze Who.
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