Page 87 - YB1963
P. 87
BONNIE JEAN McCLELLAND History - Education Phi Alpha Mil 2, 3, 4 (social Cfwirman 3); AL~HA; Poni Pom,~Cir7s o 3 4· [ntrcunural. Sports 2; Youllg Bepubucane 3, 4; SEA 4; ;:'mi~r 'Follies. "Bonnie" «Bon Bon, the YUIll-yum gill'. . Bagged a burglar .. "Get off my catch b;\ck" wtse . Liking of a Weiskittel ... Bonnie Books say, «No, thank Methodists for intellectuals you" The House. EUZABETH ANN .\kGrBBENY Home Economics - Art Sigma Sigma Tall- 2, 3, 4; Bela. Be/a. Beta 3, 4; SCA 1; ALOHA; Home Economics Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Secre/or!! 4); l unior Follies; FAC. ''Trinka''. . Violet-of Hnlf nnd Violet's Stalking Studio .. Posey-Gatherer ... "Will you wake me when you leave, Hoom. mate?" ... Divvies things . Pinned for life .. Last of the Daisy Chain. Champagne tastes on a beer pocketbook A four-year Pam Pom-er. HOBERT EDWAHD MANTHEY Sociology z>i Alpha Alpfw 2, 3, 4 (Chaplain 3); ArgOll(ltIts 3, 4 (Treasurer 4); Pi Gamma. Mu. 3, 4 (Vice-President 4); SGA 4; Student Leadership Conference 4; Men.'s Leadership Socieuj 3, 4 (Preet- dent 4); Men's Council 4; United Slates Histor!l Award 1; SCA 1,2,3,4 (Cabinet. 3, Presidenl4); Religious Life Councti S, 4; M5jH 1, 2, 3, 4 (Cabinet 3, Arca Representative 3); weeteqan« 1,2,3,4 (Secrelar!!-Tre(lSIIl"Cr 2, Vice-President 3, President 4); Intramural Sports 2, 3, 4; Presidenls' Club 3, 4; [suitor Follies; FAC. "Bob" Originator of the WMC Key Club . Pi Alpha Alpha's Eliot Ness One of the Bobsy twins ... Intelligentsia ... Earp's protege Preaches sermons at the "Mount" ... Traveled abroad . Swings gavel for SCA ancl Men's Leadership Society Star performer for the Coach "1 flunked that test!" "I like iI-ev611 if it 1\I'Jllll'ple/" "\Vlwme-tlw'l"hinker?"
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