Page 202 - YB1960
P. 202
WRESTLING The 1959-19GO Western Mnrylaucl College Price which was capped when he captured the wrestling team showed marked improvement 130 pound class championship in the Mason- over former years. Although the record is not Dixon tournament. Also lost to the squad by impressive, several matches were dose and graduation will be Elvis Ward who wrestled m,my new squad members showed promise of for two years as a valuable member of the team. a bright future. The squad featured several other outstand- The squad's grnciuntes include wrestler- ing performers. The most prominent was fresh- coach Ken Mohlhenrich who in his three yem-s man Ralph Edg,IL In addition to compiling .1 has proven to be the backbone of the team Four win, five loss, and one tie season record, This season he had the best individual record Ilalph captured the 137 pound class champion- on the team, six wins, two losses, and one tie. ship in the .vlason-Dixnn tournament. Sam This year also concludes the career of Lou Case also placed high in this touruev.
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