Page 205 - YB1960
P. 205
BASKETBALL Early in December, over fifty freshmen girls their lead to fifteen points and were victorious participated in the try-outs for the intramural by a score of 28-13. basketball teams. After several weeks of prac- Fine defensive playing, and clutch shooting tice, under the supervision of Miss Iloselda provided the margin in the game against the Todd and her committee, those girls who had juniors. An enthusiastic group of spectators attended four sessions were placed on teams watched the freshmen maintain a slim lead according to ability. The freshmen chosen to throughout the contest and defeat the juniors, represent the class in competition with upper- 38-29. class teams were: Virginia Alexander, Camilla The final game against the sophomores Englert, Frances Fuller, and Rebecca Wright, proved to be the most exciting and nerve- forwards; and Carolyn Conkling, Sara Deltan, racking of the season. Leading up to the last Mary Lee Nuttle, and Bonnie Shelton, guards. few minutes, the freshmen appeared to have Sara DeRan was elected captain, and the won until the sophomores with several succes- team began practice for their contests. sive goals, came within one point of the lead. The first game on the schedule was with the At the whistle, the game was tied and a three junior-senior team. A close contest, the final minute overtime was scheduled. A one point outcome could not be predicted until the foul shot by Rebecca Wright proved to be fourth quarter when the freshmen widened enough to give the freshmen team the game, 46-45 . and the intramural cbumptonshtp' 201
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