Page 206 - YB1960
P. 206
Jill Brown Sue Warren CHEERLEADERS Led by seniors, Brown and Sue warren. year were the large crowds that greeted both the cheerleaders much pep and vital- the Football and soccer teams on their return ity. This spirit caught on from the very begin- to campus after defeating key opponents. ning of school with the addition or sophomore Changing the pep rallies to Gill Gym proved Mar-inn Edwards and freshmen Sherry Muir to be extremely successful, and with better and Carolyn Webster to the representatives of acoustics, tho gym rang with cheers. Looking the Green and Gold. back on the squad's many activities, we can be The excellence of Our athletic teams proved justifiably proud of Western Maryland's repre- the spark that ignited school spirit, and en- sentation-home and away. thusiasm ran high. Among the highlights or the 202
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