Page 207 - YB1960
P. 207
POM POM GIRLS The Pom-Pom girls made their first appear- This year they have grown so in popularity nnce nt WJ\'I.c. in 19SG under the very capable that it was limited to twenty-five members and leadership of freshman, Beverly Bosworth. In a few substitutes. Under the leadership of that year, the seventeen members of the newly senior Barbara Long, this season, the Pom-Pom formed group in their white blazers and char- girls were once more able to add gaiety, en- coal skirts started a pleasant new tradition ill thusiasm, and color at the rallies and foot- western Maryland. They marched in several ball games. Th:ir new green plaid parades, and at football games during half- kilts and white Ioothnll sweaters were ,1 change time, performing original routines to the music welcomed by the student body. Once again the the Buud provided. Since then, they have Porn-Pam girls have made another first. This grown in size and activities. Now, they are year, along with the Band, they were able to quite well known on campus and are expected put on new unique half-time entertainment. to appear at all football games, pnrndes, and Although this group is relatively new, it has pep rallies. already become n strong tradition at H'J'''[.C. MAJORETTES This year under the capable leadership of Beverly Schott, the majorettes, Peggy Stakem, junior, and Janice Mooney, freshman, put forth much effort and work to add to the school spirit during the football season. They performed at the various pep rullies, concluding the season with a special routine when dressed ,IS sailors they twirled to the music of "Anchors Aweigh." ln addition to the pep rallies, the twirlers were found strutting before the band during the half-time ceremonies. The majorettes also participated in the tracliti~nal parade th.rough town on the night preceding Homecoming as well as the annual l-Iome":~oll1ing Day pnrude. Left to right; J. 1110011<;)"B. Schott, lit. Stukcn. 203
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