Page 199 - YB1960
P. 199
BASKETBALL The 1959-1960 Western Maryland College ter, played for three years and W,IS one of the varsity basketball squad was the finest the squad's leading rebounders. A married man, campus has possessed for many years. Their Bill had his best season this year. Bob Cole overall record of eleven wins and only nine was the other senior on the varsity. He played defeats marked the squad as the first to possess varsity ball for two seasons adding much need- a winning record in seventeen years. Their ed strength to the squad. seven win and five loss record placed the team ill second place in the northern division of the Highlights of the 1959-1960 season included Mason-Dixon conference and qualified them two victories over Johm Hopkins University, for the Mason-Dixon tournament for the first the second qualifyitlg the Terrors for the time in eight years. Mason-Dixon tournament. The Green Terrors ,.Iso defeated the conference leaders, Mount The largest single factor for the success of Saint Mary's, 83-82 in the season's most thrill- the Terror squad W,lS the presence of three ing contest. Dave Martin leel the Terrors with outstanding freshmen, Biehie Klitzberg, Tom 31 points in this biggest upset of the season. O'Malley, and Dave Markey. Theil' scoring Dave Sullivan's two foul shots in the closing punch took the burden off sophomore Dave seconds provided the winning margin. Martin, leading scorer on the squad. These Individual scoring leader for the squad was newcomers proved perfect complements For Dave Martin with a 16.3 average. Closely be- regulars Dave Sullivan and Bill Bruce, top de- fensive player on the team and tallest member hind him was Richie Klitzberg at 14.4, Dave of the squad, respectively. Sullivan at 11.1, and Tom O'Malley at 10.2, Dave Markey lead the rebounders with 15,5, Two seniors were members of the Green rollowed by Bil! Bruce with 1.52, and Dave Terror varsity basketball team. Bill Bruce, cen- Sullivan with 147. 195
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