Page 137 - YB1959_Classical
P. 137
Senior Women Shine in Sports "We are the class of '59!" yell the senior and volleyball, and tying only one game in women proudly, as they review their accom- hockey. Their string of victories brought them plishments in intramural competition over the the intramural title for six consecutive sports past four years. Indeed, with a record of twen- seasons. ty-three wins in twenty-nine games played This fall eleven determined freshmen play- since their freshman year, the senior women ers succeeded in snatching the hockey cham- have a right to be proud! pionship away from the class of '59. The "grand Even as newcomers to the campus, the old seniors" mildly rebuked those who sug- sports-minded girls in the class of '59 rapidly gested jokingly that they were becoming too gained recognition for their skill and spirit dilapidated for athletic competition by ex- from their upperclass opponents. As freshmen, claiming, "We're not grandmas!", and then after a fair showing in hockey, they captured proving their statement with spectacular per- second place in interclass basketball competi- formances on the basketball court. tion, losing only one game. In volleyball they The senior women who have participated displayed remarkable teamwork and won the on their class A teams during the past four championship. years have won the respect and admiration of During their sophomore and junior years, their opponents, not merely because of their the women athletes in the class of '59 formed individual playing abilities, but because of an unbeatable combination, scoring a total of their spirit and unity as a team. fifteen collective wins in hockey, basketball Front row, left to Tight: N. Etzler, A. Clemmitt, D. Deland, K. Mitchell, C. DeFlora, K. Helbig. Back row: C, Petterson, J. Robinson, A. Voshell, K. Payne, B. Reid. 133
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