Page 136 - YB1959_Classical
P. 136
F1"Ontrow, left to l·jght: J. Robinson, N. Etzler, A. Clemmitt, B. Hill. Second 1·0W: D. Bell, R. Reynolds, B. Reid. Third row: C. Prevost, J. Wood, C. Pettersen, K. Mitchell, A. Voshell. Women's Athletic Association The aim of the Women's Athletic Associa- tion is to create an athletic program in which all interested girls may participate. Through an Fall party ... Watch the birdie, Linda! informal program, the girls try to uphold com- petition, sportsmanship and responsibility. Each member of the board is in charge of one sport, and two members are selected "at large" to assist with sports and the award parties. This year the annual fall party was held in December, and at that time letters and nu- merals were awarded to those earning them. The spring party was held at Harvey Stone Park, with food, entertainment, awards and the installation of the officers for the coming year. The officers for this year were: Anne Clem- mitt, president; Norma Lee Etzler, vice-presi- dent; Joan Robinson, secretary; and Betty Reid, treasurer. The sponsors, Misses Marie Parker and Roselda Todd, assist in all the club functions.
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