Page 133 - YB1959_Classical
P. 133
The Black and Whites expressed much faith in W.M.C. with their Homecoming float. FIRST SEMESTER OFFICERS President . . Samuel Cook Treasurer Jay Francis Vice-president Luther Martin Chaplain Robert Harris Recording Secretary Wayne Crockett Sergeant-at-arms Ernest Colwell Corresponding Secretary James Worden Pi Alpha Alpha, better known on campus formulated as early as September, but the real as the "Black and Whites", upheld in faithful work began soon after Christmas vacation. tradition again this year their ideals of fellow- There were many hours spent on the fine ship, sportsmanship and scholarship. details of decorations for the Sweetheart Ball, Their pledges arrayed the campus during which they were sponsoring in February. Hell Week as beekeepers, spacemen and During the year the fraternity made several hunters, but one pledge stole the campus eye visits to the Strawbridge Home for Boys and as the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Surely one at one time gave a square dance for the boys. of the memories of the 1959 pledge week will Another one of the group projects was to help be that ghastly green face and terrorizing finance some of the furnishings for the Wills growl. Seminar Room. Hot dogs, cokes and hot chocolate were Again this year the Black and Whites peddled in the stands and along the sidelines retained the Scholarship Cup for having the at the sports events this year. Much of the highest scholastic average among the fratern- fraternity's revenue came from the handling of ities. Interfraternity sports (football, basket- these concessions. ball, and baseball) found the boys with a lot Homecoming came and went with the usual of fighting spirit to give real competition to hard work that goes into putting together dis- their opponents. The annual spring parties, and plays and floats. At Christmas, the Black and banquets with warm handshakes for good luck Whites were hosts to their Sigma sisters at a extended to the departing seniors, brought the holiday party. year to a close. Ideas for the fraternity's dance were being 129
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