Page 129 - YB1959_Classical
P. 129
"I didn't know they could sing so well!" FIRST SEMESTER OFFICERS President Allen W ortz T reasurer Joseph Bender Vice-president Manfred Joeres Chaplain James Thomas Corresponding Secretary Donald Haas Sergeant-at-arms Charles Kimball Recording Secretary David Clark "When dear old Delta Pi Alpha fell in line" Their unusual float which carried a huge whale this year, there were twenty-five new members, was seen in the parade. making the total membership fifty-four. The The big event of the spring season involved campus was livened with their colorful cos- preparing for the fraternity sponsored dance tumes and serenades. It seemed for a while on May Day. Secret preparations took many that a new song might even replace the old hours, but seeing the results made the mem- stand-by, but when serious competition came bers feel that it was well worth all the work. from other singers, the old words automatically During the year Mr. Richard Clower, physical won out. education instructor, continued as advisor for One of the annual events of the fraternity the club. This was his second year in this was the selection of the Delta Pi Alpha sweet- capacity. heart. In October, the "Preacher Glee Club" Purple and gold seemed to multiply around surprised Miss Kay Payne with a serenade the grille throughout the year as Preacher under her window proclaiming her as their spirit grew. United in this brotherhood the sweetheart. At Homecoming the Preachers con- graduating members always will be important structed a first-prize display which showed an to Delta Pi Alpha. Indian moving up and down a high totem pole. 125
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