Page 130 - YB1959_Classical
P. 130
Front row, left to right: R. Passerello, J. Cole, B. Butts, B. Lee, S. Dorweis, T. Kaylor, B. Bullock, T. Miller, A. Spicer, G. Thomas. Second row: A. Gilmore, T. Neil, B. Litto, S. Howell, B. Otto, L. Langfeldt, N. Davis, T. Kinter, H. Borden, E. Arbaugh. Third row: C. Pugh, R. Grubb, J. Long, L. Musselman, T. Albertson, B. Reichard, E. Gross, L. Cain, J. Gibson, P. Hughes, D. Gamber. Fourth row: M. Arsenault, K. Silex, H. Ryon, J. Karrer, J. Goldring, G. Duncan, O. Willen, F. Dean, G. Varga. Fifth row: W. Conrad, W. Kerbin, H. So, R. Buckingham, D. Linzey, H. Andrion, A. Brown, M. Beyer, P. Benham, L. Hemphill. Gamma Beta Chi "Red and blue forever, friendships ceasing fraternity and their sister sorority literally flew never" are proud words for the members of over the field, as one of the members circled in Gamma Beta Chi. Even pledges finally come a plane. And as the scores mounted, the blue to realize this. In October, sixteen new pledges and red bell rang clear over Hoffa Field. At bowed thirty-six times to the tune of "Pop Goes Homecoming the Gamma Bets captured first the Weasel" before being fully initiated. When prize for their float, the second time in three the burden of Hell Week had passed, the years. Gamma Bets found more time to be active in At Christmas busy members prepared for the many other campus organizations. dance, "Silver Bells", planned with a touch of Both in the fraternity and in the college com- the modern. Indeed these members did not munity, the members strive to uphold the cease to be busy throughout the rest of the ideals of comradeship, scholarship, sportsman- year. ship and loyalty. At Christmas and at Thanks- Time slipped by, and when May arrived, giving, baskets of food are sent to a needy the frozen campus emerged like a butterfly family. Regular campus event~ include a pep from its cocoon and even more coeds became rally, social parties off campus, banquets and members of the "Upside-Down Pin Club", a serenades to their sister sorority, Phi Alpha Mu. non-fraternal group. At the '58 football games, the Gamma Bets With these memories as a common bond, the could be seen increasing their treasury as they brotherhood of Gamma Beta Chi seems to be tested their salesmanship with football pro- one which "farewells" cannot weaken. grams. On several occasions the colors of their 126
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