Page 126 - YB1959_Classical
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Front row, left to right: J. Lewis, D. Edington, E. Lukemire, D. Dewey, Mr. R. Pugh, sponsor; H. Taylor, J. Waghelstein, B. Achenbach, A. Dawkins, L. Dowler. Second row: K. Giddes, D. D'Angelo, R. Fothergill, A. Dworkin, K. Nickoles, R. Kennedy, T. Davies, R. Anderson, S. Margolis, W. Wardlow. Third ?"Ow:C. Myers, D. Williams, R. Johnson, J. Brunk, P. Zimmerman, C. Kirkman, C. Lankford, J. Weagly, R. Harman. Fourth row: J. Siehler, G. Bluehdorn, A. Ward, R. Leavey, R. Schroder, R. Hyde, C. Mitchell, I. Stewart, D. Matthews. Fifth row: G. Hurlbrink, F. Burgee, B. Yates, It Browning, J. Dennis, R. Gebhardt, R. Sindy. Alpha Gamma Tau From cannibal to esteemed Bachelor, Hell in the Homecoming parade and won honorable Week was a quick transition for the forty-eight mention. members of Alpha Gamma Tau. To the "lilting In January, the Bachelors engaged Mr. Alfred strains" of "Hoya Hoya, Alpha Gamma Tauya" Blum, a prominent Baltimore lawyer, to show the boys marched through the campus in his slides on Shooting the Colorado River. "memorable" costumes. But the handshake During this month a social party at the Agri- after being paddled was not quite so fine as culture Center was held to salvage the last the handshake of brotherhood after formal moments of relaxation before exams. The initiation. winter and its snows came soon after more The fall season was busy but successful for mid-semester pledges braved "the week". And the fraternity. The intramural football tour- spring and its thaws seemed to dissolve any nament resulted in a Bachelor championship icy atmosphere for the May festivities. for the second year in a row. The Homecoming The "Drinking Song", the mugs and the events were climaxed by the dance with a foot- Alpine hats hold many memories never to be ball theme, which called for much cooperation forgotten by these members. Somehow they and work from all the brothers. Considering unite all of Alpha Gamma Tau in one brother- all this work, the fraternity even entered a float hood of fun and comradeship. 122
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