Page 125 - YB1959_Classical
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"Sorry Santa, I don't smoke." Norma Lee and Diane "cut a rug" at one of the monthly programs at Montrose School for Girls. FIRST SEMESTER OFFICERS President Karen Helbig Chaplain Dorothy Mathias Vice-president Joanne Trabucco Sergeani-at-arms Joan Wood Recording Secretary Ruth Ann Wilson Intersororiuj Representative Donna King Alumnae Secretary Mina Kirby S.G.A. Representative Jean Roberts Treasurer Virginia Pott Sunshine Messenger Margaret Keeler Skunks seemed quite proline in September Intersorority basketball and bridge tourna- when thirty-six new Sigmas gathered around ment, as well as the sorority tea for the fresh- the flagpole bewailing their lowliness. Much men, kept the group stepping during the first help was available for the year ahead when months of the second semester. In April a cir- the skunks became full members, bringing the cus was in full swing as the Sigmas entertained total membership to seventy-four. Homecom- the freshmen girls at the annual rush party. For ing meant extra work but brought its rewards the first time in several years, the Sigma year- with a second prize ribbon for an outstanding book, The Silver Lining, was published. I float. During the year, parties and picnics were ยท1 For the second year in a row, the Sigmas shared for good times with the Sigmas' brother retained the scholarship cup, winning over the fraternity, the Black and Whites. On several other sororities with an overall group average occasions, the Baltimore Alumnae entertained of 1.905.One of the big projects for the sorority the seniors in Baltimore. The year was brought itself this year was the refurnishing of their to a close with a farewell banquet for the clubroom. Mrs. Uhrig helped the group for- departing seniors. mulate the plans and carry them to completion. 121
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