Page 122 - YB1959_Classical
P. 122
Phi Alpha Mu Front row: M. McCormick, C. Luckemeier, J. Brown, H. George. Second row: C. Ayars, J. Schaefer. Third row: A. Clemmitt, S. Board. Fourth row: K. Payne, S. deBey, J. Robinson, L. Manning. FIRST SEMESTER OFFICERS President. Joan Robinson Sergeant-at-arms . Ann Clemmitt Vice-president .Sonja deBey Intersorority Representative Sharon Board Recording Secretary .__Leanne Manning S.C.A. Representative Carol Luckemeier Alumnae Secretary ---- Joan Schaefer Social Chairmen. .Helen George and Treasurer Kay Payne Mary Cay McCormick Chaplain Christine Ayars Sunshine Messenger Jill Brown "Castle painted purple, castle painted white" ect, which the group undertook, was the vis- are popular words for the fifty-nine members iting of wards at Springfield Hospital, as often of Phi Alpha Mu sorority. The purple cow as possible, to entertain the patients. "bowers", members of the campus community On several occasions, Mrs. Richard Pugh, since 1923, spent a year actively engaged in the sorority sponsor, entertained the girls at her many social and service events. home. In the spring, the rush party, with a In September, twenty-four calves with aspir- fantasy theme, was held to allow the present ations of becoming cows, toured the campus. sorority members and the freshmen women to After becoming fully initiated, they helped become better acquainted. their sisters sell sandwiches to raise money for As a special tribute to the seniors, The Torch, the support of their adopted war orphan. The the Phi Alph yearbook, was published. The sorority also remembered a needy family in underclass members honored the seniors with the community at Thanksgiving and at Christ- a waffle breakfast and a farewell banquet. mas with baskets of food. At their Christmas Tearful goodbyes, with promises to cherish party, in keeping with previous customs, the Phi Alph memories, came from the seniors as girls gave toys to each other which were later the sorority year drew to a close. passed on to a children's home. Another proj- 118
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