Page 121 - YB1959_Classical
P. 121
The Iotes raked in a second-prize on this Homecoming display. FIRST SEMESTER OFFICERS President . Gail Lee Armstrong Treasuret Mary Hendren Vice-president Helen Denham Chaplain Karol Kalloway Recording Secretary Mary Jo Smith Historian Judy Long Corresponcling Secretary --------Jessie Bazzeghin Business Manager Nancy Thorn The oldest sorority on the "Hill' is building black pirate flags. On Homecoming these greater sorority spirit than ever before. Iota same pirates quickly took second prize for Gamma Chi is also striving to form a closer their clever display. bond of friendship between its members and- The Christmas season brought many parties, other campus organizations. Service projects and through the doors and windows of the include the sale of stationery and the giving clubroom magically appeared the "workshop of gifts to an adopted family at Thanksgiving of Santa." In the spring, the Iotes held an and at Christmas. Alumnae banquet and their own member ban- This was the first year that the Iote pledges quet. The year was ended with the senior fare- became buccaneers. All during Hell Week, well party, sad but memorable. For these hard hungry students outside the dining hall heard working girls, the significance of red and black them singing and enthusiastically waving their will always remain deep in their hearts. 117
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