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fi~i~i.row, let/In rig/It; Norma Fulghum, Winifred Walsh, Caryl Ensor, Second row; .Indy Corby, Dr. lsancglc, rio the trumpeters "For if the Inllnpel lIll uncertain. SOUI/d, who shall nrepnre himself to the uaule?" These words were quoted by Dr. Katherine Carmichael, Dean of Women, on May 19, 1944, when she ac\dr.essed the first Trumpeters. From them carne the name. This was the beginning. Each sllcceeding year brought II new group of girls chosen on the same prin- ciples of character, scholarship, citizenship, and leadership in extra-curricular activities, Each year thc names were different, but the principles they stood for remained the same. The Trumpeters became a tradition. The goal of this organization is not mere recognition. It is the Fulfillment of the pledge taken by its members to continue their devotion to their college and inspire others to do the same. It is ,1 song of service strengthened each year by additional voices, singing: "I pledge myself to make my life (Ill example for those who look 1.0me for TeadershilJ; /0 serve Illy college und those who share mlj deco- lion 10 her; to nreseroe the tmdinons of \Veslenl Maryland College, (lnd 10 strive for /.he highest/ype of collegiate life." 63
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