Page 64 - YB1958a
P. 64
ROBEHT PETEH UHQUHAHT Eccleston, Maryland Economics Alplw Tarl (Cm/llilu 3, Vice Al.pha 4); Class President 2; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 1, 2, 3, 4; Junia'/' Follies; In/,mmrmil B(lsket- ball. "Wheat". "Anybody want to ~ee my scar?" .. Insists that ,his RO.T.C. shoes make him pigeon-toed ... Uhlizes the flat ~WJIlg in golf.. Fabulous overbidder in pinochle. Often found with Lou-ball Never misses breakfast .. One of Dr. Price's prize students "Corne on, Dave-O, it's breakfast time," ETHEL CEHTRUDE VONDERHEIDE Baltimore, Maryland Mathematics Sigma ~igllw Tall; Argonauts 3, 4; Tri-Bela I, 2, 3, 4; F.AG. 2; Wcstmll1ster Fellowsllip 1, 3, 4; S.C.A. 3, 4; Junior Follies. "Eth" .. An Argonaut who's always flunking out ... Whole- hearted .~lIpporter of the potato chip industry .. One of the few voluntarily rising for breakfast ... Fondness for yeast cake Has been known to blush . One of Spicer's curve raisers. ". Creates the illusion of- quietness . J LIstask ber about the An Force. . One of the big 13. WINJFRED ROBERTA WALSH Westminster, Maryland French - English - Education Sigma SigIJw 1'011 (Presidelll 4); Le Cercle Francais 1, 2, 3, 4 (SeC-fetaJ'!} 3, President 4)ยท AraOlwuts 3 4 (Vice President 4); F.A.C. 2,4; ALOHA (Associ(;te E~litor); cilOir 1, 2, 3, 4; Gle~ C~lIb 2: 3, 4; Madrigars 3; l/JI./'al/Jural Sports 1, 2; [unior l'ollws; 11'tllllpetefs 4; Who's Wllo. Winnie" 'HI y.l, doll" .. .: "Smarty" turned siren with "B.ull s to the Night ' Enter tams faculty in her room ... Giggles ,m~ blushes .. Ideal Sigma ... Elle pru-le Franeuis .. Does "Mucha work-at night.. W.W.. . Talent plus.. Last half of the wholesome room . "Toodle, everybody!"
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