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P. 67
JOSEF WILLlAM WILKE Baltimore, Maryland Political Science Alplw Camilla Tall; ].V. Footballl; I.R.C. "He,lp" Flys ,1T-Bird ... "The Fuhrer will rise ngniu." . Biggest man on campi "1 can get you one cheap." ... Well- equipped sportsman Largest dining hall consumer 111 Rice has ever seen.. The Klelgrl1ll1lster of 1tlCLe.1 111 his JUTllOl year. Looks great ill bermudas. Good-natured and good dancer. ERJCH HENRY WJLLEN \Vestminster, Maryland Physics Pi Alpha Alpha (Treasurer 3, 4); Argonauts; 1l1terfmfernilu Council; Electricum for College Players 1, 2; Tntramural Sports; ALOHA 4; [nnicr Follies. Ready grin. "Now fellows we don't want to spend it .111" ... Chief electrician nod sidewalk superintendent for Black and ~'~I\~t~l'~~~l~~l~m.. ':\6~~~nof"~v~N1.~:~~~~~~~':J"m·ilE:~· wonders me". Meat and potatoes man .. Honorary member of McDaniel dorm management by decree of Dean Howery. DAVlD HOGEH WILLIAMS Wilmington, Delaware English Delta Pi Alpha, "Dave" ... "Pencils" ... Slimmest preacher on campus ... Tr~nsfer student from Wesley Junior College . Pre-flight with major in English. Drove a Good Humor truck during the Summer .. Likes those cigarettes. 61
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