Page 68 - YB1958a
P. 68
FLOHlE WILLIS Penns Grove, New Jersey Home Economics Phi Alpha MlI; Choir 4; Band. 1; Maioreues 2, 3; 7'ri-Beta 1,3,4; ALOHA 4; Home Economics 1, 2, 3, 4; [unior Follies; Tennis 1, 2. Capable mother Florie, keeper of secrets "Cripes" Smile of a Cheshire cat. . sleeps on a board Plays piano at foul" hour stretches. . Supplies nightly mail to the military "Proctor, I'm asleep." ... Outplays male tennis addicts . Junior Follies Keyboard. Neatness personified Likes purple and gold. "Did I get any mail?" NANCY VIRGINIA WILLIS Chevy Chase, Maryland Philosophy - Religion Phi Alpha Mil; GOLD Boo 1, 2, 3, 4 (News Editor 1, 2, .'3, j\.Jmwg- ing Editor 3, 4); Dorm.President 4; S.G.A. 4; S.C.A. (Cabinet 4); May cu;« 2; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; [unior Follies; ALOHA 4. "Dirty Nuu" ... Always a Gamma Bet girl. "The password is shnzam." ... One of the original mole presidents ... Little mother of Blanche Ward ... Worn a path to Times building .. Inde- cision . Uncle Reuben fan ... What does the "V" stand for? .. Famous for "Wig-Walk" with C.B. RAYMOND JOHN WRIGHT Libertytown, Maryland History - Education :'f:::::'lg;::I'~T;l{/1~/:~:;Jl~~~tS~~~15(1:'~:/"~~i~~fr'~~:;~~g~~~'ie~:ls21~:! Treasurer 1; Carroll Club 1, 2, 3, 4; P.T.A. 3, 4. "White" .. Outstanding for great use of tact ". "I thil.l~ ell study for that test tomorrow morning instead." . Finds SPLntu,t~ guidance in the Ohio Journal . "Let's go to a State Teachers Convention." .. , Tried to learn Swedish on the side. . Flnds his greatest pleasure in harassing his roommate.
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