Page 182 - YB1958a
P. 182
iota gamma chi The year opened with the rush in prepara_ . . . . .hich occupied our tion for Homecoming, the display and the wel- The spnng actlvlt~es \\ hi ur booth for the coming of the alumnae. Our then settled time were the planning of o. nncl the rush down with the meetings the selling of 'vV.U.S. Bazaar, the rush tc,l'the rush part.y Christmas and greeting cards. party. Sooner than expected, .. )"uations were As the holiday season approached, we gave was here. The last minute P1Cls<.\ndwere off baskets to a needy family for Thanksgiving and made and we boarded the b~lsesk~'l.ting,eating Christmas. Our alumnae returned and gave us to Big Pipe Creek Park. Whil'\.i~ndS. Then ,I a Christmas party. and frolicking, we found nc.\\ d !Troupheaded February brought seven pledges who gave happy but somewhat exhaustc ., us the added enthusiasm to rush inlo the busy hack to the Hill. . f officers second semester. \Ve participated in the Inter- The year closed with the ~.I::~:~~Japart")'for sorority basketball tournament with the games for the year to come and a Fa being secondary to the fun and laughs. J 11 the intersorority bridge tOllrnament conCclltration th;;~~';~';';t is not until the last m;nuteSn~~,~~,e was the keyword. to a close that the senior realizes tl.l~.~~~~eJland Again this year we were the guests of our ing of sorority. Problems are n.O\\:l~ll1
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