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canterbury club sunday fellowship With a welcome party For the freshmen, the The Sunday Fellowship is an interdenomi- Canterbury Club began another active year. national organization which meets each Sun- Highlighting J.957-58 were the advent of day morning for discussion and fellowship. ln Conterbunj Tilles, a hi-monthly newsletter dis- addition to regular discussions, special services tributed to all Episcopal students and faculty; are held in recognition of important dales. monthly corporate Communions; a series of The aim of the organization this year was to well received and popular guest speakers in- make Sunday more meaningful by the inspira- cluding Bishop Noble C. Powell of Maryland, tion of music and discussion. The special music the annual fill! and spring picnics and Christ- was provided by the Sunday School Choir mas party; Lenten Communions; the trip to under the direction of Patricia Garcia. A new All Saints' Convent in Catonsville; and the interest was shown by the fact that the active annual trip to the Washington Cathedral. memborshtp was more than doubled. A successful spngherd dinner was held for Officers for the year were: Tom Albertson, college students and the parish, and several president; Melba Lou Nelms, vice-president; conferences were attended by members. Nancy Jones, secretary-treasurer; and Dr. This year's officers were: Mary Hotchkiss, Charles E. Crain, faculty adviser. president; Nancy Jones, vice-president; Allen Spicer, secretary-treaSUl-er. The Hev. Austin F. Schildw.lchter acted us advisor and chaplain.
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