Page 113 - YB1958a
P. 113
intramural foolball The intramural football league got off to n ing only 13 points scored against them. Some good start this year under the direction of Bob standouts 011 the team this year were Ray Myers, George Welllngs and Hoy Kennedy. Mcl.aughhn with his accurate passing, Paul The league was made up of eight teams with Zimmerman and Don Stenley at ends with Hoy Alpha Comma Tau, Delta Pi Alpha, and the Kennedy at wing back on the receiving end Seminary the strong contenders for the cham- or the passes, Standouts in the strong Ihehelor pionship title. Fine play and sportsmanship line were Larry Dowler, Mike Friedman, was displayed by all teams, with the Bachelors Frank Coombs, Clark Kirkmen, Iion Glaeser, coming out on top with an undefeated record. Hay Wright, with Bill Bloomer at blocking During the season the Bachelors won deciding back. The season ended successfully with all games over the Preachers and the Seminary to teams feeling that the schedule had been well take the championship. org~ll1ized and conducted and looking forward The Bachelors displayed a good ofleuse and to another good season next year. strong defense by scoring 113 points and h<1V- 101
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