Page 124 - YB1957a
P. 124
PHI ALPHA MU we began another successful year for Phi reindeer and the exchange of gifts, which were Alpha Mu as seventeen new pledges graced later sent to Happy Hills Children's Hospital. our new clubroom in the basement of Mc- We continued our sale of sandwiches to sup- Daniel Hall. Homecoming brought two prizes port Ha Cyong j a, our Korcan war orphan. to the club, second prize for the display and Also, contributions of money and clothes were third prize in the float division. Pulchritude collected for the Hungarian relief. was in evidence with Leanne Manning as the At the semi-unnunl banquet at Frock's, offi- sophomore representative and Marilyn Ecc:le- cers for the second semester were installcd. ston reigning as queen. r ntersorority events=basketball and bridge The holidays brought many duties and fes- tournament-were another part of our year's tivities. Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets activities. In the spring, the tea and Hobo rush were given to needy families. A gay time was party gave us the opportunity to know better had by all at our annual Christmas party given the freshmen girls on the Hill. With the senior by our brothers, the Cnmmu Bets. Also, our banquet in May, we closed another unforget- sophomore sisters worked hard at giving us table year in the memories of the sisters of our party. The holiday spirit was shared by all Phi Alpha Mu. with the arrival of Snntn and his cight tiny First row, left 10 right: S. Davidson, B. Bosworth, J. Gowland, G. Mcrcev, L. Trace, P. Dixon, D. Snider, J. Nuttall, F. wnus. K. Payne. Seco"d /'010; J. Cline, j. Hicks, B. Parsons, 13. "lay, B. Nicklas, P. Doub, H. Stevens, j. Durnc, H. Boardman, M. Eccleston, J. E. Outerbrtdgc. Third row: W. Benson, N. Lindsay, N. Bourdon, J. May, L. Clark, S. dcBey, N. \Vi1lis, N. Warfield, L. Manning, M. L. Nelms, M. Quintana, J. Lambertson, B. Wluttmgton, j. Anderson. Four/h row: j. Grenzer, B. Hunt, M. Hotchkiss, V. Fonner, F. Mehl, J. Corby, j. Board, A. Campbell, M. L. Maddox, H. Overton, M. Beutel, A. Clemmitt, 1'. Lunak. Pi/III row: j. Hobinson, J. Crenzer, tv1.Tomlinson, J. Kuhlman, A Acree, P. Krell, L. Jones, J. Crimmins, "1. Whitfield, J. Hoberts, N. Fulghum, D. Brown, C. Burton.
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