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P. 99
Scaled: H_ Huffines, B. Pipes, L. Werner. L D_ Harper, R, Smith, WESLEYANETTES WESLEYANS The Wesleyanettes are composed of inter- The Wesleyans are Christian young men denominational college women, actively inter- dedicated to wholesome, Christ-like living. ested in worship and service. They meet twice The purposes me attaining a knowledge of the a month in t.he home of their adviser, Mrs. Bible and practicing what they believe for Douglas Chandler. intelligent Christian living. This year the girls began work with the tra- This year's officers were: Stanley R. Bice, ditional candlelight service. The service 'proj- president; Dick Huffines, vice-president; Buddy ect for the year was sponsoring a Brownie Pipes, secretary-treasurer; Thomas Llewelyn, deputations, and Harold MeCtlY, Grace. Dr ~ll~~~~at~~~~:erO:~~r l~~~je~~~l~~~~~lledog~:f~ ~~ Crain is the adviser. the needy families and worthy organizations. The activities of the wesleyaus this year The officers for the year 1955-1956 were consisted of depututtons and preaching teams Martha Lewis, president; Marjorie Pott, vice- to Baltimore and Country Churches, a cam- president; Jane Roeder, secretary, Betty Flohr, paign to raise money for CARE, and the send- treasurer; Marge Hull, worship chairman; Pat ing of a visitation team to an orphanage. Cooper and Ann Palmer, program chairmen; and Emily Trevett, publicity chairman. First 1"00v: P. Cooper, .J. Roeder, }.,], Lewis, ll'l. Pott, B. Flohr, G. Flet_ che r , Se(;uud ruw: P Schaefer. P. Emig, J. Luekab
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