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First row: S. Blair, H. Shores, M. Pitts, G. Fletcher, B. Pipes, M. McDuna1ll. Secoud row; M. Garcia, M. Lewis. G Gauer, N. Warfield, M. Mackubin, P. Rid,lcr. Third row: B. Stanton, M. Me- Gnl\v, W. Pang, P. Schader. Fourth row: B. Christian, L. Martin, D. Harp-tr, L. werner, S. Callender. METHODIST STUDENT MOVEMENT SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP The aim of the M.S.M. is to promote Chris- The Sunday Fellowship is an interdenomi- tian love and fellowship among; students and national organization which this year has fellow citizens. In order to realize this goal, attempted to conduct various and informative the group has engaged in several projects open studies of the Bible. A new plan was throughout the year. The first of these was to followed stressing group felluwship and stu- give a Christmas party for nine underprivi- dent participation. leged children from Westminster. Later in the The choir, conducted by Dot Clarke, sang year, they sponsored a movie, contributed to once a month and for special Sunday programs. W.U.S., and supported "Meals for Millions." The presidency was filled by Bill Cook. III Februarv, the annual banquet was held at Natalie warfield served as secretary-treasurer. the Methodist Church in Westminster. Dr. Charles Crain is the faculty adviser. Tbe officers were: Howard Shores, president; Grace Fletcher, vice-president; Mary-West Pitts, secretary; and Buddy Pipes, treasurer. First roun T. Mancuso, J. Guwland, N. Willis, D. Clark. Second row: j. Luckuhaugh, field.
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