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LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION CARROLL CLUB The Lutheran Student Association, under This year marked the fifth successful year the S.C.A., meets monthly for study, worship, for the Carroll Club at WMC. Patterned after and fellowship. The year's activities began the Catholic Newman Clubs which function on with a picnic at the community pond. During many college campuses, the Carroll Club succeeding months, business meetings, wor- sought to meet the spiritual needs of Catholic ship and social gatherings were held. The students at 'Western Maryland College, and Christmas party proved to be an especially to establish a worthwhile fellowship among its great success. members. Its program included activities of a Some of the work projects included the spon- religious, educational and social nature. soring of a movie and the sale of tickets for the annual spaghetti dinner. Fellowship was in~;~l~a~lu~':cu~~~~ly p:.~:~~~~s b~n~5~~~1~I1~t strengthened by the winter conference at Buck questions, guest speakers and talks by the club adviser, Father Stroup of St. John's Church in ~Ii:~~ ~~~~~ rne~~~r;v~~;:and at a picnic at \Vestminster. These meetings served as a This year's officers were: Caroline Baker, means of exchanging ideas and receiving in- president; and Jean Luckabaugh, secretary- struction on matters pertaining to the Catholic treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Schaeffer faith. served as sponsors. K"'d;"g,~,~;, K ""chell, F. Chirichillo. Sealed: C. De Flora, It Close, L. wuueo«, 93
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