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First row: M. Hodsdun, S. Reed. P. McCoy, D. Moylan, J. Parrish, M. \Varren, F. Chirichillo. Second row: M. Williams, W. Mowbray, j. Batista, O. Seibel, j. Turney, J. Corby. Third fIJI!!: L. Hall, R. Lopez, A. Gilmore, R.Huffincs. STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION The Student Covernment Association is the Through the efforts of the S.C.A. and the governing body of the students, composed of faculty, the Deans' List of Campus Citizens the dormitory presidents and two representa- was published. This list included students who tives from each of the four classes. Branches of had contributed toward better campus living, the S.C.A. include the Men's and Women's either by participation in extra-curricular ac- Councils, the Women's Dorm Council, the tivities or by scholastic achievements. To pro- TrafficCourt, and the Calendar Committee. vide student entertainment, free Saturday The S.C.A. went into action last fall before night movies were shown monthly under the most of the upperclassmen returned. In coop- sponsorship of the S.C.A. eration with the Freshman Advisory Council Again this year the S.C.A. was in charge and the Student Christian Association, the of the Rec Hall and the upkeep of the equip, organization helped the new students become ment therein. The Traffic Court continued to oriented to their new surroundings. At that enforce traffic regulations and to collect fines. time, "Terror" blotters were distributed to the Under the leadership of the organization, students and faculty. the campus became a crepe-paper collection of activities at Homecoming.The Rec Hall was decorated for Christmas by the sophomore class. Springtime found the Women's Council hard at work guaranteeing the success of May Day. Dr. William A. MacDonald became the new sponsor of the S.G.A. He joins Deans Helen H. Howery and William M. David, Jr., as the faculty members present at the meetings. Under the guidance of Danny Moylan,presi- dent; Priscilla McCoy, vice-president; Joanne Parrish, secretary; and Sam Reed, treasurer, the members look back on a busy year. Their aim was "to serve the students well." It is this which they hope to have accomplished. 90
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