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Seated: K. Smith, D. Wallace, J. Batista. Stmu/ing: S Seated: r.l. \Varren, J. Chase, K. Holt. Standing: P. Reed, H. Crush. Dixon, J. Parrtsli, M. Lewis, P. Richter. INTERFRATERNITY -- .t~~~ INTERSORORITY With the Interfraternity Council lies the The Intersorority Council is composed of the potential control and success of a large major- president, vice-president, and one representa- tive from each of the four sororities. The ::~~a~! O}I~~li;lfl~~~:t!h~c~ul~AS tl~~7~)~;\le~~~~ officers of the council are delegated by an to re-evaluate its procedures concerning Smoker annual rotation. Phi Alpha Mu held the posi- Week, bidding time, and Hell Week. In so tion of the presidency this year doing, the council anticipates the alleviation The purpose of the conncil is to be a co- of much of the congestion for sophomore ordinating board for all the sororities. Regula- candidates and their academic work. tions on such matters as the distributing and For the first time ill many years, the council, accepting of bids are established. under the leadership of its president, Don In the realm of activities, a coke and potato 'Vallace, sponsored a "Four-Frat Dance Party." chip party was substituted for the usual This cooperation was highly evident in many scholastic tea. The scholastic cup, presented other functions on the campus. The athletic annually by the council to the sorority hold- program continued to be a large item of busi- ing the highest scholastic average, serves to ness, and there was encouragement in the promote scholastic achievement within the direction of more adequate and permanent sororities. records for such items as inter-frat athletic On Sundays, Intersorority sold cocoa and awards. donuts in the girls> dormitories. The annual Other first semester officers were: Ken basketball competition was held during the Smith, vice-president; Mike Leftwich, winter. tury; and Gene Paul, treasurer. First semester officers were: Jan Chase, president; Mary Warren, vice-president; Kay Holt, secretary; and Mary Angell, treasurer. 89
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