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STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Programs of racial relations, religious faiths, and community service projects, including a The Student Christian Association is the negro nursery, were planned by the Social governing body for the religious groups and Responsibility Commission. activities on campus. This year it continued to The Annual Heligious Emphasis 'Week further these purposes under the leadership of opened the second semester and several con- its adviser, Dr. Charles E. Crain, and its presi- ferences were sponsored by the S.C.A. through- dent, Bruce Price. out the year. The association is subdivided into commis- Other officers for the year were; Charlotte sions, denominational groups, and the Wesley- Ridgely, vice-president; William Cook, treas- ans and wesleyanettes. urer; Joan Luckabaugh, secretary; and Anna The commissions are: The Christian Faiths Jarrell, commission chairman. and Heritage, which presented the candlelight membership service and planned the weekly programs throughout the year, including the Christmas candlelight Communion and the Lenten Communion services. The world Relatedness Commission, spon- sored the Student-Faculty basketball game, the WUS Bazaar, and the WUS fund drive. The big-little brother and sister program, firesides and programs relating to student problems were the contributions of the Per- sonal and Campus Affairs Commission. 91
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