Page 143 - YB1956b
P. 143
INTRAMURAL FOOTBALL CHAMPS-DELTA Pr ALPHA Kneeling, left to rig/It: D. Murtln, J. Gunderson, D. Gardiner, R. Strauss, N. Spinnuto. L. Hall, J. Scott. Stlmtiing ,"V.Clem, L. Martin, J. Hart, A. Mund, W. Sanders, H. McClay, M. Savarese. INTRAMURAL FOOTBALL Once again the Preachers captured' top a record of three wins, one defeat, and two honors in the intramural football league. But, ties. the championship struggle was a three-way tie In third place were the Bachelors, who until the final games. fought courageously to offer strong competi- Combining luck, determination, and a reser- tion to the two top teams. Their final record voir of talent, Delta Pi Alpha overcame the was two wins, two losses, and one tie. "Cinderella" team, Pi Alpha Alpha, with a Holding up the league's fourth place were total record of four wins, one loss, and one tie. the Gamma Bets-no wins and five defeats. Chasing closely at the victor's heels were The entire season was marked by con- the Blackand Whites who, at the beginning of sistently keen competition and the highest rate the season, appeared to be the strongest con- of interfraternity cooperation seen in several . tender for the championship. They ended with years. 139
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