Page 146 - YB1956b
P. 146
VARSITY BASKETBALL Lt,jt to right, R. Regan, H. Schorreck,A.Sarhanes,H. Lambert,D. Hannen,R. Wolfe, R.Holbruncf, H. McIntyre, T. Riggin, J. Kauffman, R. Mnrtinell. BASKETBALL Western Maryland's basketball team finished The chief point-getter for the Green and the season in winning fashion by trouncin~ Gold was Hugh McIntyre, a transfer from Oalleudet 78-55. This was their fifth win, as Gettysburg last year. Hugh was ineligible last opposed to fifteen losses. year, but this year came through in champion- Even though the Terrors didn't have a note, slup fashion-scoring a total of 375 points, for worthy season record-wise, they won singular an average of 18.7 points per game. He. was laurels in the morale realm by twice defeating awarded a position on the second team of Johns Hopkins University. The second win, All-Mason-Dixon selections. which was the next to last game of the season, The Terrors, hampered by the injury of saw the Terrors kill Hopkins' chances to enter Dusty Martinell and the ineligibility of Bill the Mason-Dixon tournament. Spear, nevertheless got off to a good start by 142
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