Page 144 - YB1956b
P. 144
First lOW, left to rigill: B. Clem, P. Jackson, D. Harmon, B. Crush, A. Tafuri, W. Sandcr~, J, Turney, D. Seibel, Second row: P. Uhrig, Coach; T. Llewelyn, S. Entwisle, D. Kohl, F. Robey, S. Reed, D, Tankersley, B. Vitek l'hird mw: S. Biee, B, Lee, R. Wolfe, P. Urquhart, j. Bailey, P. McCulloh, A. Gilmore. SOCCER After missing two championships in the half the game switched from offenseto defense 1954season, the Terror Soccer team made his- in rapid-fire succession, but neither team was tory at W.M.C. by capturing, in 1955,the first able to make an additional goal. Mason-Dixonchampionship in at least twenty One week later the Terrors played host to years. Sparked by All-American Denny Har- a strong Drexel team. The Dragons, composed mon and the coaching of Phil Uhrig, the Ter- of a strong offense and an outstanding goalie, rors piled up a 3-0-1record in the Mason-Dixon burned the Terrors, 5-2. They scored hard and conference, and a total of three wins and three fast, piling up a 3-0 lead in the first half, while losses in the Middle Atlantic results. Especial the Terror offense was stopped cold with bril- credit goes to Phil Uhrig who, because of the liant saves by the Drexel goalie. Finally, in the love he has for the game, has continuously third quarter, Denny Harmon scored two given the best coaching he could offer. In the quick goals-putting the Uhrig men back in past two seasons he has led the team to twelve the game. The fourth quarter, however, saw a wins, five losses, and two ties. well-drilled Drexel team score two more With eleven lettermen on the starting team goals-handing W.M.C. her first loss. and a strong bench of sixteen, the Green and With the scoring distributed among the line- Gold invaded Loyola of the East, and battled men, the Terrors took their initial step toward to a 1-1deadlock. Loyola came up with a quick a winning season and the M-D crown by score in the firstminute of the game, However, defeating Mt. St. Mary's, 4-1. Harmon's able late in the second quarter, Harmon punched foot delivered two goals, while Tankersley and through with the "equalizer." In the second Seibel registered the other two. Keeping the 140
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