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MEN'S GLEE CLUB WOMEN'S GLEE CLUB The Men's Glee Club is composed of those The Women's Glee Club has one pre- male students who enjoy singing. The group requisite for membership: girls who like to is under the direction of Professor Oliver sing. Under the capable direction of their new Spangler. conductor, Miss Nancy Lindberg, the mem- This year's programs presented a wide bers gave several programs during the school variety of music, including the traditional year. The first of these was a rendition of Christmas Carols outside of the dormitories Christmas carols from around the world. and the Spring Concert in Alumni Hall. The Other performances included a Christmas club also sang occasionally in chapel and in program for the American Association of Uni- various churches, civic groups, schools, and versity Women and a spring concert with the colleges in Maryland and nearby states. College Orchestra. The group practices once weekly. The accompanist for this year was Miss Janet Seymour. First row: \V. Benson. P. Couper, Q. Polk, J. Goode, F. Frock, M. Garcia, N. Etzler. Second row: P. Emig, ~t.111Or_ ney, B. Parsons, P. Werner, P. Schaefer, R. House, R. Palmer, C. Markle, S. Phelps, R. Burford, M. Fowler. Third row: P. Van Dyke. L. Williams, J. Beatty. J. Tyler, D. Clarke, K. Chamberlin. ]. Seymour, Miss Lindberg. Fourth row: C. Ridgely, W. Walsh, J. Hoeder, M. Lewis, J. Luckubaugh, K. Mitchell
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