Page 145 - YB1956b
P. 145
Mount scoring down to a minimum of one goal was the Terror backfield, led by Crush, Clem, Reed, Jackson, and Turney. The Green and Gold next journeyed to the University of Delaware. Scoring four goals in the first eight minutes of play, the Terrors stunned the Delaware team and ended up sinking them, 4-2. Led again by Harmon, the Terrors showed their powerful scoring punch. Denny scored two on long passes over the Delaware backfield from Bill Clem, the Terror All-Conference fullback. Seibel, on a long crossing shot, added the third, and right half- back Entwisle scored the fourth on a long shot from outside the penalty area. The Delaware at their backs, Bucknell scored again. The team threatened to tie the contest by scoring Terrors, fighting the wind, the beautiful pass two quick goals, but the Terror defense tight- work by the opposition, were handed a 2-1 ened up in the final quarter to shut them out defeat. the rest of the way. The battle of Gettysburg was fought again Playing their second consecutive "away" in the rain, but this time the transplanted game, the Tenors moved to Lancaster, Pa., to southern boys of W.M.C. reversed Civil War meet a strong F.&M. team. Displaying only a history with a 5-2 victory. Don Seibel cut loose mediocre game all season, F.&M.played sensa- with both feet to score two goals. Harmon, tional ball to defeat W.M.C., 4-1. Admittedly Urquhart, and Tankersley accounted for the playing their best game to date, the Diplomats other three goals. crushed the Terror hopes for the Middle Atlan- In the slop of snow and mud, the Terrors tic crown. Don Seibel tallied a goal in the captured the Mason-Dixon championship by fourth quarter on a pass from Roger Wolfe, a defeating the Blue Jays of Hopkins, 2-0. promising freshman, for W.M.C:s only score. Weather for the day included a snow storm. With a record of 2-2-1the Terrors returned Denny Harmon scored on a penalty shot to to their home field to play host to Catholic U., give W.M.C. a halftime lead of 1-0.The team a strong M-D contender. Traveling in deco- was a bit tight in the first part of the third rated cars, the Catholic U. boys pulled in as quarter, but came alive when Bob Crush, play- though they were going to leave with a vic- ing the greatest game of his career, made a tory; but, inspired by a pre-game talk by sensational stop of a penalty kick. In the fourth Coach Uhrig, the Terrors took the field and quarter Andy Tafuri booted one past the Jay knocked Catholic U.'s championship by stomp- goalie on a long pass from fullback Bill Clem. ing them, 4-2. Denny Harmon picked a good It was Tafuri's first and only goal-scored at a day to score three goals, his highest single most appropriate time. game effort. Don Tankersley booted a beau- It was also the first championship for Coach tiful shot just inside the post to account for the Philip Uhrig. fourth goal. For the Terrors, it was a slow-starting season On a windy Friday, Bucknell rolled in from with a strong finish.It was also the final season Pa. with a strong team which was anxious to for seven seniors: Clem, Sanders, Crush, Jack- get back to Bucknell for the Homecoming pep son, Turney, Seibel, and Tafuri. But, with Rne rally. With a quick score by center forward players like Harmon, Reed, Tankersley, Harmon, the Terrors moved ant in front with Entwisle, Cole, Wolfe, Lee, and Urquhart, a 1-0lead at the half. In the second half Buck- the Terrors promise to be strong defending nell scored on a fluke goal against the wind champions. to tie the score. In the final session, with wind The school'shat is off to them. 141
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