Page 142 - YB1956b
P. 142
Homecoming 1955, Hersh carrylng the pigskin Gettysburg-33 W.M.C.-7 wood Field in Baltimore. It began with Hop- The Terrors, again on their own gridiron, kins moving down to W.M.C.'s five-yard line played host to Gettysburg. G-burg lost to Dela- after the kick-off, and then scoring with the ware the week end before, 36-0, and also fullback for the initial tally. Half-time score: donated their outstanding quarterback, Gagli- 7-0. Third quarter opened up with Terrors kicking off, and a J.H.U. halfback named ardi, to the injury list. However, because of Wood racing ninety yards for a T.D. AI Miller tremendous depth in all positions, they picked up speed as the game progressed. With poor did most of the ground-gaining for the Green tackling and other errors the Green and Gold Gold. Two out of nineteen passes were com- team was left behind. The Terror line showed pleted. Spirits were suffering. Hopkins put on strength throughout the game. a tremendous show in the second half, scoring three more times, to end the game, 33-0. The W.M.C.-].H.U. series DOW shows Hopkins in Jalms Hopkins-33 W.M.C.-O the lead with seventeen wins, fourteen losses, and four ties. The snow came down and the roof fell in. . The Terrors ended their 1955 season with It was the last game of the 1955 season- two wins and six losses; but, with a continued W.M.C. vs. ].H.U. on the snow-covered Home- reputation, well-deserved, for dean, fair play.
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