Page 148 - YB1955a
P. 148
WRESTLING Western Maryland's much improved wrestling All in all this year's season has, by far, been team of the 1954·1955 season closed out its activo one of the most successful in recent years. Under iry after competing in the Mason-Dixon tourn a- a new coach, Vic Mukovitch, the grapplers ment at Towson Teachers' College in March. prompted a new burst of campus interest-which During the regular campaign the Green and in the final result was as helpful to student sports Gold posted a 2·3 log in the Conference fight morale as it was 10 matmen themselves. gaining verdicts over Catholic University and Loyola of the East. The Green and Gold dropped two decisions to non-conference foes Drexel Tech and Gettysburg. In the post-season phase at Towson, the Tafnr i and Vitek ~oyly pose [or camera Terrors again performed with a high degree of achievement-four of their number rendering outstanding service. Team captain Tommy Engler and Andy Tafur i nailed down third place honors with decisions over their opponents in consolation bouts. Brandt Vitek and newcomer Brooks Cutler made gallant stands in the consolation finals before bowing out.
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