Page 145 - YB1955a
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Maryland, the Terrors were handed their first Cenysburg 4-1. Harmon and Don Seibelled the setback of the year. Battling poor weather con- forward wall while Entwistle, Etzler, and Crush ditions in the final period, they were unable to turned in outstanding defensive efforts. match the second period tally of Roger Smoot, Entering the final week of the season with a Washington center forward, thus dropping: the 7·1 record, the Terrors met Baltimore University contest 1·0. The footwork of Ray Davis and and were handed a 3·0 setback as well as loss of Denny Hannon enabled the Terrors to monopo. the Mason-Dixon title. Iize the possession of the hall, but the tight Wash· In the final contest at home, a final period ington net tender thwarted their more serious penalty shot tally from the foot of Denny Hannon efforts. A pulled muscle restrained Bob Crush gave WMC a 2-2 tie with visiting Johns Hopkins. from sLarting in the WMC goal, which in his Two overtirnes failed to adjust the score, and thus was kept by Cover Zimmerman. Pete Urqu- the result of the tilt threw WMC into a four way and Sian Entwistle gained starting assign. tie for the Southern Division Middle Atlantic menta, although Coach Uhrig was to employ COllfercnce title. practically his entire squad before the 88 minute Following the close of the campaign, Harmon fracas was ended. and Etzler were rewarded for their efforts by Six days later at home, the Terrors went being named to the Mason-Dixon Confercnce against Franklin and Marshall successfully to the All-Star squad. tune of 2·0. Sheer possession and unsurpassed Harmon and Etzler were joined by tcauunutes teamwork enabled WMC to gain control and keep Crush, Davis, Hagenbuch, Seibel, and Clem in control of the tilt. Harmon, taHying twice, how- being selected on the 1954 All Southern selections ever, shared individual overall performance of the National Coaches Association of America. honors with outside left, Don Seibel who harassed Denny Harmon was also elected to the AIl- the opposing defense effectively with weird, well American Team of 1955. calculated shots and passes. Fullbacks Etzler and Clem aided the still injured Crush in the defense of the nets. A chilly, but fair afternoon provided a perfect selling for Western Maryland's first vic. tory over the Diplomats in recent years. Although playing in rain and SIlOW through the contest, the Terrors took on Mt. St. Mary's and scored another Mason-Dixon success with their 4-1 victory. Harmon struck successfully for the first counter to tie the contest just as the initial period closed, Following the halftime rest, Ray Davis and Harmon tallied goals within 2 minutes of each other. These provided the punch to break the well of the Mountaineers. "Toe" Harmon's final pointer in the last period kept the hooters in the thick of the Mason-Dixon struggle as they next begun to prepare for Buck- nell. Eager to avenge the humiliation suffered at the hands of Bucknell two years ago, the Terrors overcame a 1·0 deficit in the 3rd quarter to lie the score at 1-1. Although playing Oil even terms with their opponents in the first half, the Creen mHI Cold commanded the second half and went on to a 3-1 victory. four days later, the Terrors bounced visiting 143
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