Page 152 - YB1955a
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Left to right: C. Bauru, M. Weber, W. Robertson, P. Artigiani. BADMINTON Badminton proved to be very successful this title. From the freshman class, Wilma Robertson year as it has been in the past. A large number emerged victorious and provided the upperclass of participants came out to play with much enthu- men with some strong competition. siasm and spirit. The inter-class tournament was Following the class tournaments, play-offs conducted in a aingle-eliminntion basis by man based on percentage of games won, were held to ager Joy Nuttall. determine W.M.C.'s champion. Mary Ellen Weber This year the senior class winner was "Rags" carne out on top and became school champion. Bnum, a terrific player and winner of the school She proved to he an expert with badminton skill, title for three successive years. Junior class champ especially her almost irretrievable slam! was Peggy Artigiani who has come out near the Due to unfavorable circumstances, no top in the badminton tournament since her Iresh- Lion with other schools was scheduled, but next man year. Mary Ellen Weber, a very aggressive year's badminton response is as good as this badminton player, claimed the sophomore class year's, we should have a great season! 150
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