Page 144 - YB1955a
P. 144
SOCCER Honors continue to roll in pcriodically empha- Hay Davis and Denny Harmon, the locals broke sizing the respect that the Terror hooters com- the ice when Harmon scored in the second period. manded during the 1954 season in which they Although the Loyola booters tied the score in the posted a 7-2-1 log. Fighting to the end, they third period, the Green Terrors were not to be entered two championship races only to be denied denied success. Harmon added another goal in in each. the Ilnal period. Outstanding defensive team- Once again led by Coach Phil Uhrig, the Ter- work by goal-tender Bob Crush and fullbacks rors wasted little time before letting opponents Roy Etzler and Bill Clem averted l1luny possible know of their strength. With 10 veterans in the scoring threats. starting eleven on the opening day, the Green and Playing away on October 13th, the hooters met Gold easily trounced Georgetown University 5-0. the Cardinals of Catholic of America. Playing under clear, sunny skies, the local men Although possessing a fine squad, the struck with. consistency with one point in each Cardinals bowed as WMC gained its third success period and two in the second. Four tallies came 5-1. Harmon, once again, commanded the situa- from the able foot of center forward star Denny tion, and added two more to his growing total of Hannon, who was later to form the nucleus of goals scored. Although the old veterans gained the Terror offensive scoring unit. the starting berths, newcomers Jack Turney, Pete Six days later in their opening home game, the Urquhart, and Buzzy Lambert were instrumental Terrors again won an impressive 2-1 victory over in the Green and Gold success. Loyola of the East. Paced by team co-captains On a very windy afternoon, at Chestertown, 142
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