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P. 151
L~/I IV JO)' NlIlI~ll, Sharon AU"'ul!,h, ,\lury Ellen W~hCI, J\1~rie Upperco, Rulh Dickson. Nut showl!: Betsy Bowen, LOll Arnie, lind Pal P~llcr50n. WOMEN'S BASKETBAll The women's basketball season began Ibis year girls represcntim- the senior, junior, and sopho. with two weeks of daily practices for all girls more classes. Betsy Bowen, Sharon Albaugh, interested in playing basketball. From these Joy Nuttall, and Mary Ellen Weber were chosen girls, the class teams were chosen. as forwards. The guards were Mary Lou Amie, The intramural Sensor] began and ended with Marie Upperco, Ruth Dickson, and Pal Patterson. enthusiasm this year in a dose game between the The team played well in the three games Junior and Senior "A" teams. The final score in scheduled with tenms from other schools. The the hard-fought game showed that the Juniors Terrors succeeded in defeating the girls of Mount had won by two points to capture the intramural Saint Joseph's College, bUI in turn were defeated class ehampionship. by Towson State Teachers' College and Notre The honorary basketball team was then chosen Dame College. by the \,'AA board. Girls were selected for their The successful season was climaxed when sportsmanship, participation, ability, and interest Janet Reck and Dolly Rill got their national as evidenced in the intramural games. basketball ratings. Mary Angell received her This year's- honorary team consisted of eight local rating. 149
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