Page 146 - YB1955a
P. 146
BASKETBALL In winning fashion, against Gallaudet, 011 plenty of "college try"-which eventually at the March Ist, Western r...laryland happily pulled end or the season, produced the well earned down the curtain on the 1954-55 basketball cam- result for the local quintet. paign. With this victory, the Terrors had The thing that will be remembered about this recorded their fourth consecutive success and had 54-55 cage war and Western Maryland's part in so overjoyed their following that the previous it, is how we played the game-not whether we fourteen consecutive losses were pushed into the won or lost. background completely. Statistically speaking, fifteen different indi- It was a strange season for the Terrors. This viduals had a part in this idea or how we played year was one no/. highlighted by long lists of the game. Fifteen men, upperclassmen and lower. records broken, teams humbled, or any other combined in producing a spirit which initially excelling features. Instead, it was a season of got us nowhere, but eventually got us everywhere. being pushed around, "hard luck" games, and And so it was,' being led by spirit-minded 144
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